Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Simulator Link

"Kam-berry" Juice

If I could make a magical juice, I would make “kam-berry” juice. This would be a magical juice that would give a student the energy to get through the day and complete unnecessary homework. This juice would incorporate many different berries and be very tasty. This juice would help put back sleep that a person missed out on the night before and keep them refreshed.

If I was able to drink “kam-berry” juice, I think that I could do anything! I could finally get all of my homework done, and not feel so overwhelmed by all of the homework that I didn’t “have time to do” before. If I could make this juice, I think I could make millions of dollars from selling it because I think that everyone in the world would want to drink my “kam-berry” juice!

With all the money that I would make from selling “kam-berry” juice I would start a company to endorse other juice makers. If other people have similar ideas that I have and want to get their homework done fast, they can make similar juices. “Kam-berry” juice will benefit all people who drink it!

If I could make a juice, I would make pink juice!

If I could make a magical juice, I would make pink juice. My pink juice would have specials powers in that anyone who drank it would be cheery and happy. People who drink pink juice wouldn’t have a worry in the world for the amount of time that the pink juice is in their system, until it is digested.
Pink juice would also provide the necessary vitamins for people that did not enjoy eating vegetables. The only catch is that if someone eliminated vegetables from their diet completely and only drinks pink juice their skin will turn pink! This juice, although very tasty, prevent people from skipping on their vegetables.
If I could drink pink juice every day I would, but I would still eat my vegetables! Even though I would LOVE to be pink, because I love pink since it’s the most awesome color in the world, I would still eat vegetables because I love veggies just as much as I love pink! But since my ferrets can’t eat veggies, I would feed them pink juice so that I could have pink ferrets even though they’re boys.

Future Juice

If I could make a magical juice I would make future juice. Future juice would help those who drink it to see into their future. This is important because many people worry about the future. I plan on drinking future juice everyday so that I can make wise decisions. I wish I had thought of this idea a long time ago. Things would be much better.
Future juice would allow me to see into my future therefore I would always know what is coming my way. I would always know which days to stay in bed and sleep because I would see that the day ahead of me would not be a good one. Although if I had future juice I don’t know how exciting my life would be because I would always know what lies ahead… Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Future juice or orange juice, it’s up to you to decide. I you spend days wondering what the future holds for you then future juice may be the way to go. Those who are spontaneous , without a care in the world………stick to h2o

Magic Juice!

Magic Juice
If I could make a magical juice, I would make flying juice. When I drink my flying juice, it will make me super light and able to fly up in the air. I can fly anywhere I want after I drink the juice. I could go to my friends’ houses, school, and vacation! This juice would be really delicious and I would use it all the time so I could get places much quicker!
I could make some bird friends up in the sky while flying and I could wave hello to the planes, helicopters, and hot air balloons as I passed them. Flying juice would make me feel like Superman. I would be the thing in the air that people yell; “it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Chrissy!” The flying juice will be the rave of the town and I’ll be its number one sponsor!
The best thing about my flying juice would be that I could go visit places that I normally wouldn’t be able to. I could go to the beach whenever I wanted or go to places really far away without having to get on an airplane or drive all the way there! I would make plenty of juice so that I could always use it whenever I need to fly somewhere. This would be my new favorite drink!
-Chrissy Cohn

Jen Harlee's Freckle Juice Paragraph!

Magical Juice Story
If I could make a magical juice, I would make straight A juice. When you drink this juice, you will automatically get straight A’s. You won’t have to do any work or study for anything because the juice will guarantee that you will get straight A’s all the time! Who wouldn’t want to drink straight A juice?
I could really use my straight A juice to help me with my math class. I just don’t understand any of the math skills we are learning. Plus, my teacher can be so mean! She doesn’t want me to get an A in that class. I would definitely drink my straight A juice before every math test!
Even though I know I should study and work hard for my grades, I would rather spend my time playing outside with my friends. Being young is hard enough without having to worry about school and getting good grades. After I drink my straight A juice I will never have to hear my mom say, “Jen you need to bring up your grades again.” I will be the smart child and my brother and sister will be so jealous because I’m mom and dad’s favorite for always getting straight A’s. Straight A juice would be the best creation ever!

Thinking Juice Story

If I could make a magical juice, I would make thinking juice. I would make thinking juice because I have always wondered what people are thinking about when I am talking to them. I would want just one day to be able to read people’s minds. It would give me the chance to hear everything that is going through their mind when they are talking to me and other people around.
Thinking juice would be so much fun, because I would be able to read everything smart people and geniuses are thinking. I would be able to know everything and use it to my advantage. To think about all the crazy things really smart people would think about would be weird to know. I think having thinking juice would be cool to use it for that.
Thinking juice would be the one magical juice I would want to make. I would be able to find out what my friends are thinking about me and if they are really my true friends or not. I would be able to find out if people are mad at me. I want to make this magical juice because it was cool to do all of that in just one day.