Wednesday, May 6, 2009

If I could make a juice, I would make pink juice!

If I could make a magical juice, I would make pink juice. My pink juice would have specials powers in that anyone who drank it would be cheery and happy. People who drink pink juice wouldn’t have a worry in the world for the amount of time that the pink juice is in their system, until it is digested.
Pink juice would also provide the necessary vitamins for people that did not enjoy eating vegetables. The only catch is that if someone eliminated vegetables from their diet completely and only drinks pink juice their skin will turn pink! This juice, although very tasty, prevent people from skipping on their vegetables.
If I could drink pink juice every day I would, but I would still eat my vegetables! Even though I would LOVE to be pink, because I love pink since it’s the most awesome color in the world, I would still eat vegetables because I love veggies just as much as I love pink! But since my ferrets can’t eat veggies, I would feed them pink juice so that I could have pink ferrets even though they’re boys.

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