Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Magic Juice!

Magic Juice
If I could make a magical juice, I would make flying juice. When I drink my flying juice, it will make me super light and able to fly up in the air. I can fly anywhere I want after I drink the juice. I could go to my friends’ houses, school, and vacation! This juice would be really delicious and I would use it all the time so I could get places much quicker!
I could make some bird friends up in the sky while flying and I could wave hello to the planes, helicopters, and hot air balloons as I passed them. Flying juice would make me feel like Superman. I would be the thing in the air that people yell; “it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Chrissy!” The flying juice will be the rave of the town and I’ll be its number one sponsor!
The best thing about my flying juice would be that I could go visit places that I normally wouldn’t be able to. I could go to the beach whenever I wanted or go to places really far away without having to get on an airplane or drive all the way there! I would make plenty of juice so that I could always use it whenever I need to fly somewhere. This would be my new favorite drink!
-Chrissy Cohn

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