Monday, February 9, 2009

Blue Group Post Feb. 9, 2009

I think that my attitudes and experiences shape what I think are good and bad uses of technology in the classroom. For example I think that I am at a medium level of technological literacy and I feel that I could integrate different forms of technology into my classroom as a teacher that would be able to help my students visualize and conceptualize information. I think that with my blog on integration of technology I would want to incorporate different technologies that helped me learn and others as I see it helps my students. I feel that it is good to use visual aides that help students see and hear the same material. I would want to incorporate different technologies that would accommodate different learning styles. Students that were more audio visual learners would benefit from sound bites and visual power points. Students that are more hands on learners could be involved with making their own power points and using different technologies themselves in the classroom. I think that email, cell phones, and other communicative devices are considered "bad" technologies and shouldn't be used in the classroom. But I think in some forms they are just fine. For example I think that using cell phones to stay in touch with the teacher or group members is just fine, yet using the cell phone for keeping in touch with friends during the school lesson is inappropriate. I think that email is a great technological tool that can send ideas, questions, and information from student to student, teacher to parent, and student to teacher.
There are a lot of similarities between my latest two blogs. I think that I am familiar with a lot of technologies that are used in the classroom. I know that from my best classroom experience the technologies that were used I have become familiar with and try to use in presentations and in my teachings at internship schools. There are some differences, I know there is one piece of technology that I did not become familiar with which was pod casts.
I do feel that technology can be incorporated into the classroom accordingly and can be beneficial for student learning.
-Kami B.

1 comment:

  1. Podcast are just another medium for information to flow through. I find myself listening to post casts of interviews for sports and music. They can be a good way to listen to an interview that might not get published else where and they are easy to distribute through itunes.
