Monday, February 2, 2009

Technology in my classroom.

Technology in the classroom is a great idea. It gives teachers and students the chance to go beyond the boring textbooks and put their own creativity to learning. I don't recall my teachers using technology in the classrooms until my sophomore year in high school. Then, I was able to take computer classes that taught us how to type correctly. The rest of my years in high school didn't involve too much technology. Every now and then we'd get to use computers for research, but that was it.
When I started to attend Cecil Community College, there was more and more technology available in the classrooms. One teacher that I had at Cecil used technology every class. During my first two years of college I had this teacher for Educational Psychology and Child Growth and Development. These classes had about 15-20 students in it. For every class meeting she had a PowerPoint presentation created to explain the chapter we were studying. She also gave everyone a print out of the presentation so we could take notes on it. I enjoyed this technology because it gave a me a visual view of the material [and not just an old textbook view] plus space to take notes myself. Also during these classes we had many chances to make PowerPoint presentations for different projects, as well as time to research on the school computers.
Without this technology in the classroom, I think the class would have been less interesting because we would have been reading out of the textbook everyday. With the computer in the classroom we were able to see her input on the chapters through the PowerPoint, plus we were able to view videos from the internet. Technology is a great benefit for the classroom and I feel the more technology available for students and teachers, the better.

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