Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Throughout my learning experience, I have been exposed to many uses of technology. My senior year in high school, in my Math Pre-Calculus classroom, we were introduced to the SmartBoards. All year we had been using powerpoint, and the overhead projector. Around February, our classroom had a smartboard installed. As a student, it seemed like so much fun to use the markers on the board to click on things on the computer. My teacher would give us lessons and notes on the smartboard, and she could do such cool things with images and even the words on the microsfot word pages that she had her notes designed on. THe one thing I did notice, was how much trouble the teacher had getting accustomed to the new smartboard. At first, she did very basic things with it. She would make notes on Microsoft word, project them on to the smart board, and use the different colored markers to give examples, make images, and highlight what was important. As the teacher, she had to spend the extra time after school learning how to adjust her classroom to incorporate this smartboard. I am sure that there was many other cool and educational things my teacher could have done with the smartboard, that she was not even aware of at the time. All I remember my teacher saying was how much she missed the over head transparencies and powerpoint, because she knew how to use those. I would love to go back into that high school classroom today and see what amazing things they must be using that smartboard for now. Three years later, I'm sure the smartboard in that classroom can do many things with images, equations, and numbers for math lessons. Although at first it seemed to be trouble-some, it gave me a positive educational experience in my pre-calculus math classroom. I think that the use of technology is very beneficial in the every day classroom. It enables the minds of students more and more. Looking at a powerpoint presentation gets to be very boring, but when the teacher can play around and add things (like on the smartboard) to the powerpoint, the lesson becomes interactive. I can remember everybody in my senior year pre calculus class listening and paying attention, so we could all get our chance to use the silly little interactive markers on the board. Using technology makes students interested in the lesson because it usually makes things less boring! Technology gives the students a chance to become interactive with the lesson, and interested to pay attention. I hope that when I become a teacher I am given the chance to work with up to date technology. This past semester, working at a sturggling Baltimore City elementary school, I learned how technology can be hard to work with at times. My teacher always used the ELMO overhead projector, and many times it did not work correctly, and/or would distort the images and words. Right away the students would start fooling around, because they saw how caught up the teacher would be with having the projector work correctly. Even though sometimes technology can mess up, I beleive that the use of technology is a key ingredient when establishing an effective classroom. I have learned through it, and I hope my future students can learn through it at as well.

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