Thursday, February 19, 2009

Technology in the classroom

As I look back on my technobiography and posts, I realize that technology has greatly effected my life in both good and bad ways. While I believe technology has provided a lot of positives, I also believe technology can bring some negatives. Throughout my life, I have seen technology used in many different ways. I believe there is a huge difference in technology being appropriately used in the classroom, and technology being used to simply say it was used. During a discussion in class the other day, I stated that I believe in a general education classroom, technology should be used solely to help teach the content. If technology is being used to show students what is "new", I do not think it is being appropriately used. I believe specials should be used for this type of instruction. When I had classes that used technology for unapparent reasons, I was never interested. While I do use technology in my everyday life, I am not very fond of it. Daily troubleshooters that arise, such as my Internet going out, really frustrates me. As a future educator, I try not to let the fact that I am not good at using technology judge whether or not I integrate it into my classroom. Rather, I judge whether or not a certain piece of technology can truly help the children learn the information being presented.
Gina Pagliaccetti

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with the statement about using technology as a learning aid, not as a lesson itself. Technology should be used to help make a lesson clearer, or more interesting. If technology is not NEEDED to get the point across, why use it? There are so many problems that can occur when technology is used, so only use it if it will truly be beneficial.
