Growing up, the type of technology I was familiar with was video game systems, (Atari was my first game system), television, video cameras, regular cameras, radio and vhs players. Technology in relation to computers though, has not always been a part of my life. I didn't start using a computer until I was in high school. My first experience was in a typing class. We used a word processor to complete our assignments. Except for taking my computerized test to join the military in 1996, I didn't sit in front of a computer again until I was in college. I didn't own a computer and had no clue how to purchase, set up or even navigate one. After my first couple of years in college, I eventually learned how to do simple things on a computer such as writing a paper and printing it out.
Although for most of my life I had been behind the technological times, so to speak, the past seven years has proven to bring me more up to date. Since marrying my husband, Jason, I have learned more about computers and technology then I ever knew existed. I can now do much more than merely typing, saving and printing out a paper in Word. I can serf the Web, purchase things online, take online classes and problem solve minor issues if need be.
Jason has also introduced me to other aspects of technology such as cell phones, the IPod and various musical equipment. He has also taught me how to use numerous types of software and has walked me through how to install them. Even though I have my husband to help guide me I still have a hard time understanding a great deal about technology and how to use it. I have created about two or more Power Point presentations, but I still have trouble remembering all of the steps and how to save my files properly so that I can email them to non Mac users and hook my computer up when I do my presentations for the class. I understand that one of the main requirements for being a teacher is being able to use technology to teach your lessons, so I am hoping that this class will help me to better my knowledge about technology in general and help me to become more confident in my use of it.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Classroom Situation Using Technology
One recent classroom situation for me where technology was used to help students learn was in an elementary school library. I’m in a weekly class of 27 third graders, assisting a special needs student. I wasn’t the targeted learner in this situation, but as an aide, I need to pay attention and follow along so I can help any student who has questions.
The librarian assigned partnered students a U.S. state, and the students had to use three different reference sources (also assigned) to answer specific questions about their state. The sources were: a database called “America the Beautiful,” accessed via; the World Book Encyclopedia; and their state book in a series called From Sea to Shining Sea. The assignment is actually ongoing. It’s supposed to last three weeks, with students rotating among the three reference sources.
Other than the books, the technologies used were PCs (four for students and one for the librarian) and a LCD projector for the librarian. The technologies were integrated in that they were used to demonstrate how to find the answers to the questions. With student helpers, the librarian briefly showed the class how to find the encyclopedia volume they needed for their state and how to use the contents page of a state book. She spent the most time demonstrating with her PC and the projector how to locate “America the Beautiful” and how she expected the students to navigate the site to find the required information.
Because there were three reference stations and multi-step directions, the students immediately had many questions. For example, they directly recorded their answers on a worksheet and had to cite each source. But the librarian hadn’t given examples of how to cite any of the sources, so there was a lot of calling out like, “Who is the author of an encyclopedia?” and “What’s a copyright date?” and “Do I have to write the whole name of the site?”
Using the available technologies was a worthwhile way to model the type of searches to the entire class at once, particularly on the big screen. But the execution by the students didn’t work so well, especially on the computers. Since there were so few (4) computers, only four pairs of students could use them at a time. Because these were third graders, there was the added problem of who gets to use the keyboard first, and taking turns in general. For third graders, using the computers at school is very exciting except when you have to actually share them. Also, there were six steps to reach the database, and the students don’t recall the steps during a single instruction period, much less over the course of three weeks. I also noticed that students using the computers were finished sooner than students using the print sources, and they started going to other sites and looking for games. (Definitely not part of the directions!) Integrating technology in this situation was a good idea, but the execution is important to get right.
Lastly, while I’m glad the students are learning about various reference sources, the assignment didn’t relate to anything else they’re working on in other subjects. The geography and mapping unit had already come and gone, and I think it would’ve been more meaningful if the state project had been collaborative or timed in some way with the Social Studies unit. In an ideal world…
The librarian assigned partnered students a U.S. state, and the students had to use three different reference sources (also assigned) to answer specific questions about their state. The sources were: a database called “America the Beautiful,” accessed via; the World Book Encyclopedia; and their state book in a series called From Sea to Shining Sea. The assignment is actually ongoing. It’s supposed to last three weeks, with students rotating among the three reference sources.
Other than the books, the technologies used were PCs (four for students and one for the librarian) and a LCD projector for the librarian. The technologies were integrated in that they were used to demonstrate how to find the answers to the questions. With student helpers, the librarian briefly showed the class how to find the encyclopedia volume they needed for their state and how to use the contents page of a state book. She spent the most time demonstrating with her PC and the projector how to locate “America the Beautiful” and how she expected the students to navigate the site to find the required information.
Because there were three reference stations and multi-step directions, the students immediately had many questions. For example, they directly recorded their answers on a worksheet and had to cite each source. But the librarian hadn’t given examples of how to cite any of the sources, so there was a lot of calling out like, “Who is the author of an encyclopedia?” and “What’s a copyright date?” and “Do I have to write the whole name of the site?”
Using the available technologies was a worthwhile way to model the type of searches to the entire class at once, particularly on the big screen. But the execution by the students didn’t work so well, especially on the computers. Since there were so few (4) computers, only four pairs of students could use them at a time. Because these were third graders, there was the added problem of who gets to use the keyboard first, and taking turns in general. For third graders, using the computers at school is very exciting except when you have to actually share them. Also, there were six steps to reach the database, and the students don’t recall the steps during a single instruction period, much less over the course of three weeks. I also noticed that students using the computers were finished sooner than students using the print sources, and they started going to other sites and looking for games. (Definitely not part of the directions!) Integrating technology in this situation was a good idea, but the execution is important to get right.
Lastly, while I’m glad the students are learning about various reference sources, the assignment didn’t relate to anything else they’re working on in other subjects. The geography and mapping unit had already come and gone, and I think it would’ve been more meaningful if the state project had been collaborative or timed in some way with the Social Studies unit. In an ideal world…
My Technobiography
Ever since I can remember technology has been a huge part of my life. If it wasn't for t.v. and radios, my sister and I would have had a pretty boring childhood. I can still remember when computers came out and we got a big bulky one with horrible graphics that couldn't possibly be any slower. Of course, the only use I had out of it at the time was playing games such as Oregon Trail, the greatest game ever.
When the Internet came out, I got a screen name and thought the coolest thing to do was chat with your friends online. Even as I get older I still find myself on Facebook, Myspace, and e-mail everyday. Technology is addicting, and sadly, a must have in my life. I remember getting a cell phone when I was eleven and I've had one ever since. If I didn't have the Internet, cell phone, stereo/Ipod, and calculators I'd be lost.
When I started taking college classes I learned to use Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Now, I use Word and PowerPoint often for different essays and presentations. It has been incredible watching technology progress over the years and almost scary to see how much we all depend on it!
When the Internet came out, I got a screen name and thought the coolest thing to do was chat with your friends online. Even as I get older I still find myself on Facebook, Myspace, and e-mail everyday. Technology is addicting, and sadly, a must have in my life. I remember getting a cell phone when I was eleven and I've had one ever since. If I didn't have the Internet, cell phone, stereo/Ipod, and calculators I'd be lost.
When I started taking college classes I learned to use Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Now, I use Word and PowerPoint often for different essays and presentations. It has been incredible watching technology progress over the years and almost scary to see how much we all depend on it!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Blog assignment 1-Feb.4th-M.Wilson
I have had many teachers integrate technology with instruction throughout my education. Things like Power Point presentations, ELMO, different science technologies, music players, and computers were all popular. However, none of these really had any significant impact on me. However, there were two things in Elementary school that stick out in my mind and therefore, must have had some sort of impact. The first was the computer game called Oregon Trail that we played during computer lab (once a week). I FREAKING LOVED THIS GAME...It was probably my first real experience with computers and definitely my first experience with a computer game. In this game you had to buy supplies and try to survive the Oregon trail without your Ox's dying...which they always did...or drowning in the river...which they always did. My second experience with technology that stand out was the Reading Rainbow videos. They always corresponded with something we were doing in class and were really enjoyable for some reason! I think both of these technologies were used successfully because they were engaging. I also learned how to use a computer, math skills (buying products...had to have enough $), and I'm sure I learned something from those RR videos...if nothing else...I know the intro. song:)
-Meghan W.
-Meghan W.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Technology and Me
Growing up, technology wasn't very present in my home, until very suddenly, when it was everywhere.
My family got its first computer, an IBM clone that ran MS-DOS, in 1989. It came with a dot-matrix pritner and print shop deluxe, plus the Oregon trail. A year later we got Nintendo, and a year after that, our first camcorder.
Technology really burst onto the scene when we got what I thought of at the time as our first real computer, a Compaq Presario running Windows 3.1, which included Mircrosoft Encarta '94 and an AOL"startup kit"
AOL was the real big changer for us, since it put everyone in touch with loads of information and oopportunities to meet people. However, it didn't come with ready access to the internet. Only when AOl was upgraded and we cleared off enough ram on our computer were we exposed to the internet.
E-mail was used regularly by everyone by 1996. A big deal for me was being able to keep in touch with a tour guide we had on a summer vacation at very little cost. At the time, no one really reliedon the internet for reseatch, paying bills,or entertainment. In school, teachers encoruaged me to use the library for working on projects.
By the middlepart of high school, 1999/2000, the internet was used for everything. By the time I was in college, it was used for erverything.
My family got its first computer, an IBM clone that ran MS-DOS, in 1989. It came with a dot-matrix pritner and print shop deluxe, plus the Oregon trail. A year later we got Nintendo, and a year after that, our first camcorder.
Technology really burst onto the scene when we got what I thought of at the time as our first real computer, a Compaq Presario running Windows 3.1, which included Mircrosoft Encarta '94 and an AOL"startup kit"
AOL was the real big changer for us, since it put everyone in touch with loads of information and oopportunities to meet people. However, it didn't come with ready access to the internet. Only when AOl was upgraded and we cleared off enough ram on our computer were we exposed to the internet.
E-mail was used regularly by everyone by 1996. A big deal for me was being able to keep in touch with a tour guide we had on a summer vacation at very little cost. At the time, no one really reliedon the internet for reseatch, paying bills,or entertainment. In school, teachers encoruaged me to use the library for working on projects.
By the middlepart of high school, 1999/2000, the internet was used for everything. By the time I was in college, it was used for erverything.
My Technobiography
I have grown up surrounded by technology, and although I don't consider myself an expert in using it, I do utilize it in my everyday life. I have had plenty of experience with computers, including word processing and accessing the internet to use e-mail, use social networking sites, locate information, and chat with others. My cell phone is another big part of my life, as I need to use it to communicate with family members and friends. Other aspects of technology that I am familiar with include iPods, digital cameras, CDs, DVDs, television, and radio. I don't know too much about how all of these technologies work or how to fix them when they break, but I am pretty good at figuring out how to use them by using my previous experiences with other devices.
I would say that I use a wide range of technology on a day to day basis. I go on the internet, use my ipod, cell phone, and play my xbox 360 almost daily. I would consider myself pretty good with computers, and I can usually figure out a problem with a computer based on past experiences, and what I know about computers in general. I think the way technology has expanded just in my own lifetime is amazing. To think that I listened to casettes, cd's, and mp3's all in the last 20 years is very interesting to me. I finding out about new technologies and the latest gadgets that are being created in the present day.
My TechnoBio
I have grown up using a plethora of new techonology. I grew up in an era where encyclopedias and dictionaries became outsourced by computers and the internet. Now a days, I can even access the internet by using my hand-held cell phone. If i was asked to write a research paper not using the internet or computer resources, I would probably have a lot of trouble in doing this.
I go to the library strictly to use their computers. I rarely, if ever, use books as resources, unless it is a textbook assigned by a professor. I would consider myself technologically savvy, and find myself "googling" random facts and/or questions frequently. I would be lost in a world without computers and cell phones, and am interested to see what new technological advances come out in my future.
As a future teacher, I plan to use technology as a resource in my class room often. I think using technology to implement a lesson is necessary when teaching the young children growing up in this century.
I go to the library strictly to use their computers. I rarely, if ever, use books as resources, unless it is a textbook assigned by a professor. I would consider myself technologically savvy, and find myself "googling" random facts and/or questions frequently. I would be lost in a world without computers and cell phones, and am interested to see what new technological advances come out in my future.
As a future teacher, I plan to use technology as a resource in my class room often. I think using technology to implement a lesson is necessary when teaching the young children growing up in this century.
I can not imagine a time without the advance technology we have today. When I was in kindergarten my parents gave me, my brother, and my sister a computer for Christmas. Since I was young, I do not remember much about this computer. I can remember using a word processor. When I was in fourth grade I made my own screen name on AOL. I rushed home from school everyday in order to successfully sign onto the Internet and talk to my friends. At that time, if too many users were signed online, the Internet gave a busy signal. Ever since then I have always used a computer on a daily basis. Although I consider my cell phone the one piece of technology I could not live without, I think my computer is just as important. I could not survive college without my laptop. Aside from researching on the Internet, using Microsoft Word, and using many other programs for school assignments, I also use the Internet as a way to stay connecting with my friends and family.
Technology Biography
When I think about the use of technology in my life it seems to be dominated by a few themes, music, the Internet, and video games. When I first started out using one of those weird colored old mac computers back in the day, I would use it mostly to look up information about my favorite TV shows and stuff like that. Eventually, with the development of mp3's and Napster I realized I needed a better computer. I was so happy to learn that I could download music for free, even though I knew it was illegal, I figured I would never be caught.
Once my family got a better computer and Internet connection I started to get into video games that you could play with other people online. By this time Napster had been shut down but I continued to use the computer to manage my music and media.
After I got over my phase of playing video games I started to use the computer even more for music. This is when I started to use the computer to record music from playing guitar. I've gotten away from that in previous years because it takes a lot of time and space on your computer.
My current uses for the computer is mostly to listen to music, browse the Internet, and occasionally watch movies. Technology helps me feed my need to be constantly listening to new music.
Once my family got a better computer and Internet connection I started to get into video games that you could play with other people online. By this time Napster had been shut down but I continued to use the computer to manage my music and media.
After I got over my phase of playing video games I started to use the computer even more for music. This is when I started to use the computer to record music from playing guitar. I've gotten away from that in previous years because it takes a lot of time and space on your computer.
My current uses for the computer is mostly to listen to music, browse the Internet, and occasionally watch movies. Technology helps me feed my need to be constantly listening to new music.
Yael's Techno-biography
I am not a huge fan of digital technology. I only use the very basics of any brand of the digital technologies out there, and even then I limit myself to the most popularly used of these technologies. I just do not get it most of the time, and I feel that I can live without them because I realize that I do not need what I do not have, because I am doing just well as is at the moment. It took me a long time to get into the the cellphone age, the i-pod age and so forth. I do not have any desire really to spend hundreds of dollars on i-phones and blackberries, mostly because I am a total klutz, and do not trust myself with these technologies. The one technology (didgital) that I am most in tune with is the internet, and even then I stick to the very few sites I like (well, on a regular basis anyway). I will steal ideas from two of my classmates. First, I generally only use the internet to check in with email, world happenings and the exciting world of hockey!! (Go Caps!). Second, since I failed to register one of my favorite things as a piece of technology, I would say that outside of the digital technology age, my favorite piece of technology--something I could not live without--are books!!!
Not well written, very contradicting (I am sure) but thats it for now.
Not well written, very contradicting (I am sure) but thats it for now.
Meghan's Technobiography
Technology is a word that often scares me. I have basic computer skills, but if my computer ever broke...would I be able to fix it? Heck no. I tend to be someone that sticks with what I know as far as technology goes. I'm not very active when it comes to trying to figure out a new piece of technology. I don't run out to the store to get the latest software for my computer until something I already use stops working for some reason and I have to!
Aside from that, I have extensive experience with certain types of technology specifically pertaining to video production. I was an Electronic Media and Film major for 3 years before switching majors my Junior year to Elementary Education (a little late changing my mind....I know.) Anyway, I am very comfortable using a video camera, tripod, as well as specific editing software: AVID and IMovie mostly, as well as sound boards, microphones, teleprompters, etc. I'm not sure how well that will help me with this class, but if you have any questions pertaining to that type of technology I might be able to help!
I also can use the internet, my cell phone, IPOD, and my tomtom very well. All of these technologies help me in life and I'm happy to have all of them. I also enjoy playing Nintendo Wii! That's all...BYE!
Aside from that, I have extensive experience with certain types of technology specifically pertaining to video production. I was an Electronic Media and Film major for 3 years before switching majors my Junior year to Elementary Education (a little late changing my mind....I know.) Anyway, I am very comfortable using a video camera, tripod, as well as specific editing software: AVID and IMovie mostly, as well as sound boards, microphones, teleprompters, etc. I'm not sure how well that will help me with this class, but if you have any questions pertaining to that type of technology I might be able to help!
I also can use the internet, my cell phone, IPOD, and my tomtom very well. All of these technologies help me in life and I'm happy to have all of them. I also enjoy playing Nintendo Wii! That's all...BYE!
My Technobiography
I grew up in the analog age, and I've got an uneasy relationship with digital technology. When I worked professionally after college, many of the current technologies weren't widely available, used, or even invented for that matter. When new programs became available, like Excel, the shared secretary I had did the charts and graphs for me, or I was able to go to the company's research department for help. I should have learned to do it myself. I use my home computer more than any other one, primarily for email and internet searching. I'm not on a computer much at my school job. I wouldn't own a cell phone if it hadn't been given to me, and it's so old that it embarrasses my children for me to pull it out. They don't have cell phones yet, much to their dismay.
My Techno Biography
Growing up I got the opportunity to use a variety of different technology whether it was provided in class or at my own house. In my home, I always had the option of using a computer for the Internet and always had the option of using a telephone. The Internet has always been a huge part of my life because I communicate with others through the use of it and look up additional information. I enjoy looking up information especially on fun facts that have nothing to do with assignments that are given to me. I like researching things and finding out things that I never would have expected. Before ever using the google website, I was very accustomed to using the Encarta encyclopedia. As for phones I was always also given the opportunity of using a cell phone since my freshman year in high school. I now have a blackberry which is my favorite piece of technology due to the fact that I have unlimited Internet wherever I am. Text messaging is also a plus because it keeps me connected to my friends when I am not with them. Furthermore technology has been a huge part of my life that I sometimes don't appreciate as much as I should.
Technology has changed my personal and educational experiences. Since I was lucky enough to grow up with advanced technology I would pretty much be lost without it. Almost everyday I listen to music, chat online with friends, talk and text on my cell phone, go on facebook and myspace to keep in touch with my friends and watch television. In those many ways technology has positively effectecd my personal life. I am constantly able to be in contact with both my family and friends at all times. When I am having a bad day, when I am bored, or when I just feel the need to listen to music, all I have to do is go over to my radio, ipod, computer, etc. and listen to music.
On an educational note, technology has allowed me to do research for both in school topics and out of school topics. If I have a question about anything I can log on to the internet and look up my question in Google. The internet has allowed me to become more knowledgeable on many important issues. I also really enjoy the internet because there may be instances when I need an answer to my question quickly. For example WebMD is a very credible website that I like to go on if my friends or I have a question that deals with something medical. Furthermore, I have used the television to enhance my education as well. When I watch the news it helps me to be more aware of my surroundings and what is going on around the world. Technology has greatly effected the way I live and if it was to be any differnet it would be very difficult to get my information from other sources.
On an educational note, technology has allowed me to do research for both in school topics and out of school topics. If I have a question about anything I can log on to the internet and look up my question in Google. The internet has allowed me to become more knowledgeable on many important issues. I also really enjoy the internet because there may be instances when I need an answer to my question quickly. For example WebMD is a very credible website that I like to go on if my friends or I have a question that deals with something medical. Furthermore, I have used the television to enhance my education as well. When I watch the news it helps me to be more aware of my surroundings and what is going on around the world. Technology has greatly effected the way I live and if it was to be any differnet it would be very difficult to get my information from other sources.
In general, I would say technology is very important to me because I use it everyday. Technologies that I use commonly each day are the computer and internet, T.V., cell phone, game consoles, PDA, Ipod, and etc. The most important of them all for me would be the internet, because of the access to e-mail, Facebook, myspace, and research information for school. Everyday I get onto the internet at least once to check Myspace and Facebook to keep in touch with the friends I left at home who I don't get to see as often as I would like anymore. I rarely ever use my cellphone just because I hate being on the phone and I hate texting... but I like having it for emergencies. From childhood on I've used and collected all sorts of game consoles such as Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, Playstation, Wii, Nintendo DS, and Gameboy. I used to play games a lot as a kid, but now I rarely have time... but whenever I do, you can usually find me playing Guitar Hero.
When I was younger, I used to have my own personal website where I build it from a clean slate using HTML. I don't remember everything but I'm still quite familiar with using HTML.
That's all I have time to write about. =)
When I was younger, I used to have my own personal website where I build it from a clean slate using HTML. I don't remember everything but I'm still quite familiar with using HTML.
That's all I have time to write about. =)
My technobiography
I think that it is really cool how much technology has changed over the years. I might not be the best at using new technologies and what nots but I do enjoy learning how to use them. I also joke about being one of the most computer iliterate people on earth. If my computer is broken or acting funny, I have no idea how to fix it. So now that my computer has recently developed a virus, I have noticed how much not having my computer is an issue for me. All the little things that I used to do on my computer became all the big things that I need to do now. I guess I have never really realized how dependent I have become to technology and the computer in general. I am hopefully going to get it fixed soon! I don't know how much longer I can last without it!
My Techno Bio
Growing up my family and I have always had technology around our house. I used to be not very good with technology, but now I think that I have come a long way and am pretty good with it. I know how to work almost everything, but when it comes to elaborating with that or going further with a piece of technology I'm not so good with that. I really like using cameras and going on the internet and just looking up any cool pictures that I can find. I used to have an iphone which was I think the coolest piece of technology I ever had (got rid of it to get a blackberry, missed having buttons hehe) I always used the computer for projects and looking up things about anything that I would want to know. I would love to know how to do more things with technology though. I feel like that I only know the basic things and It would be cool to know how to do some mroe technology advanced things with the comptuer, camera, phone, etc... I think its crazy though how much my generation relies on technology for everything. It's funny how noone really even uses the phone anymore its either bbm or txt message someone. Overall though, I rely on technology for everything even to get around by using my navigation. It's a big part of my everyday life and tasks.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Welcome to the course blog for ISTC 301, Wednesday section, Spring 2009 at Towson University! We'll be blogging together throughout the semester; see the course wiki for specifics on the blog assignment, and blog groups.
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