Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Meghan's Technobiography

Technology is a word that often scares me. I have basic computer skills, but if my computer ever broke...would I be able to fix it? Heck no. I tend to be someone that sticks with what I know as far as technology goes. I'm not very active when it comes to trying to figure out a new piece of technology. I don't run out to the store to get the latest software for my computer until something I already use stops working for some reason and I have to!

Aside from that, I have extensive experience with certain types of technology specifically pertaining to video production. I was an Electronic Media and Film major for 3 years before switching majors my Junior year to Elementary Education (a little late changing my mind....I know.) Anyway, I am very comfortable using a video camera, tripod, as well as specific editing software: AVID and IMovie mostly, as well as sound boards, microphones, teleprompters, etc. I'm not sure how well that will help me with this class, but if you have any questions pertaining to that type of technology I might be able to help!

I also can use the internet, my cell phone, IPOD, and my tomtom very well. All of these technologies help me in life and I'm happy to have all of them. I also enjoy playing Nintendo Wii! That's all...BYE!

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