Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blog assignment 1-Feb.4th-M.Wilson

I have had many teachers integrate technology with instruction throughout my education. Things like Power Point presentations, ELMO, different science technologies, music players, and computers were all popular. However, none of these really had any significant impact on me. However, there were two things in Elementary school that stick out in my mind and therefore, must have had some sort of impact. The first was the computer game called Oregon Trail that we played during computer lab (once a week). I FREAKING LOVED THIS GAME...It was probably my first real experience with computers and definitely my first experience with a computer game. In this game you had to buy supplies and try to survive the Oregon trail without your Ox's dying...which they always did...or drowning in the river...which they always did. My second experience with technology that stand out was the Reading Rainbow videos. They always corresponded with something we were doing in class and were really enjoyable for some reason! I think both of these technologies were used successfully because they were engaging. I also learned how to use a computer, math skills (buying products...had to have enough $), and I'm sure I learned something from those RR videos...if nothing else...I know the intro. song:)
-Meghan W.

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