Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Techno Bio

Growing up my family and I have always had technology around our house. I used to be not very good with technology, but now I think that I have come a long way and am pretty good with it. I know how to work almost everything, but when it comes to elaborating with that or going further with a piece of technology I'm not so good with that. I really like using cameras and going on the internet and just looking up any cool pictures that I can find. I used to have an iphone which was I think the coolest piece of technology I ever had (got rid of it to get a blackberry, missed having buttons hehe) I always used the computer for projects and looking up things about anything that I would want to know. I would love to know how to do more things with technology though. I feel like that I only know the basic things and It would be cool to know how to do some mroe technology advanced things with the comptuer, camera, phone, etc... I think its crazy though how much my generation relies on technology for everything. It's funny how noone really even uses the phone anymore its either bbm or txt message someone. Overall though, I rely on technology for everything even to get around by using my navigation. It's a big part of my everyday life and tasks.

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