Friday, January 30, 2009

My Technobiography

Ever since I can remember technology has been a huge part of my life. If it wasn't for t.v. and radios, my sister and I would have had a pretty boring childhood. I can still remember when computers came out and we got a big bulky one with horrible graphics that couldn't possibly be any slower. Of course, the only use I had out of it at the time was playing games such as Oregon Trail, the greatest game ever.
When the Internet came out, I got a screen name and thought the coolest thing to do was chat with your friends online. Even as I get older I still find myself on Facebook, Myspace, and e-mail everyday. Technology is addicting, and sadly, a must have in my life. I remember getting a cell phone when I was eleven and I've had one ever since. If I didn't have the Internet, cell phone, stereo/Ipod, and calculators I'd be lost.
When I started taking college classes I learned to use Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Now, I use Word and PowerPoint often for different essays and presentations. It has been incredible watching technology progress over the years and almost scary to see how much we all depend on it!

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