Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My TechnoBio

I have grown up using a plethora of new techonology. I grew up in an era where encyclopedias and dictionaries became outsourced by computers and the internet. Now a days, I can even access the internet by using my hand-held cell phone. If i was asked to write a research paper not using the internet or computer resources, I would probably have a lot of trouble in doing this.
I go to the library strictly to use their computers. I rarely, if ever, use books as resources, unless it is a textbook assigned by a professor. I would consider myself technologically savvy, and find myself "googling" random facts and/or questions frequently. I would be lost in a world without computers and cell phones, and am interested to see what new technological advances come out in my future.
As a future teacher, I plan to use technology as a resource in my class room often. I think using technology to implement a lesson is necessary when teaching the young children growing up in this century.

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