Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yael's Techno-biography

I am not a huge fan of digital technology. I only use the very basics of any brand of the digital technologies out there, and even then I limit myself to the most popularly used of these technologies. I just do not get it most of the time, and I feel that I can live without them because I realize that I do not need what I do not have, because I am doing just well as is at the moment. It took me a long time to get into the the cellphone age, the i-pod age and so forth. I do not have any desire really to spend hundreds of dollars on i-phones and blackberries, mostly because I am a total klutz, and do not trust myself with these technologies. The one technology (didgital) that I am most in tune with is the internet, and even then I stick to the very few sites I like (well, on a regular basis anyway). I will steal ideas from two of my classmates. First, I generally only use the internet to check in with email, world happenings and the exciting world of hockey!! (Go Caps!). Second, since I failed to register one of my favorite things as a piece of technology, I would say that outside of the digital technology age, my favorite piece of technology--something I could not live without--are books!!!

Not well written, very contradicting (I am sure) but thats it for now.

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